The Terrasses Roy is a pedestrian street project located on the Plateau-Mont-Royal, which was commissioned by the City of Montreal. It has been in a transitional phase for a few years now, but has always fulfilled its social and community purpose.

Did you know that Excavation Super is behind the renovation of this sitting area? The city has put its trust in our team to realize its vision. The delivery is planned for summer 2022.

Here is a description of the project and the activities offered.


The Terrasses Roy are located on Roy Street East, between de Bullion Street and Colonial Avenue, and is one of several pedestrian street projects initiated by the City of Montreal. Its objective is to provide a public space for people in the neighbourhood to socialize and to introduce the community to urban agriculture.

Once completed, the public square will be made up of 4 distinct areas: elevated terraces, a market place, a large table and a recreational area. Specifically, it consists of custom-made planters, integrated furniture as well as picnic tables placed along the street section allocated to the project. The site will be lit at night to ensure the safety of users and to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Development and delivery of the project

Since its inception, the Terrasses Roy has been well received by the residents of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal. Many have used the area to relax alone, with friends or with family.

In the summer, a mini-public market, gardening activities, and a bicycle repair station bring this shared space to life. In the winter, the space is used by citizens to play in the snow with their families.

The city has thus succeeded in designing a dynamic place that meets the needs of its residents: a place where the community can socialize or take a break. In addition, the project allows those interested to participate in Santropol Roulant's activities where participants learn how to care for a vegetable garden and can take home the vegetables they grow.

All in all, this colourful, family-friendly project that has been in the works since 2017 is much anticipated in the neighbourhood. As a result of the pandemic, ongoing construction that was scheduled to begin at the end of June has been pushed back to the end of October 2021 and will be completed in the summer of 2022.

Excavation Super is proud to bring to life this unifying and innovative project. In the meantime, the temporary installations are open to all!

In the meantime, stay tuned on our progress on Instagram.